Thursday, July 03, 2008

Del Toro: 'The Hobbit 2' Faces Legal Monster

Hi world!

Here is a news story written by me for SyFy Portal.

Del Toro: 'The Hobbit 2' Faces Legal Monster

The legal battles surrounding the world of "The Hobbit" continues ...

Director Guillermo del Toro ("Hellboy," "Pan's Labyrinth") told SciFi Wire about his plans for directing two Lord of the Rings prequel films. The first will be based solely on J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit." The second film will act as a bridge by focusing on events hinted at in the books that led up to Lord of the Rings.

But copyright restrictions limit del Toro to only "The Hobbit" and the three volumes of The Lord of the Rings. That means "The Silmarillion," completed by Tokien's son, which offers backstory and mythology, plus any other Tolkien writings, are off limits... [more]

Until next time... Marx out.

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