Thursday, November 04, 2010

The IndieNet and Beyond: Advice From Felicia Day

Another week, another installment of my new column on ScifiPulse. Enjoy!

Hello online world! It’s time for another edutainment installment of “The IndieNet and Beyond.”

I had something different planned for today, but ScifiPulse had an opportunity during a conference call to ask Felicia Day, creator of The Guild, a question about web series so the topic took a slight turn.

Now if you somehow don’t know who Felicia Day is, then here is a quick primer. The actress is best known on TV by scifi fans as Vi on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and her guest appearances on Dollhouse. She starred in Joss Whedon’s uber-successful Internet musical, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and, of course, created/wrote/starred in the highly successful web series The Guild. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy of Web Television, so she knows a thing or two about web series.

There are probably a few of you reading this right now that are thinking about creating a web series of your own. So we asked Felicia what advice would she give to people out there that are planning to do their own web series... more