Thursday, October 28, 2010

The IndieNet And Beyond: The Beginning

I have a new column on ScifiPulse. Enjoy!

Welcome to the first installment of “The IndieNet and Beyond,” where I talk about the growing way we are getting our entertainment fix. Whether it is on your desktop computer, laptop, iphone, ipad, or whatever gadget you use, we are getting more and more of our entertainment from the Internet. For many years now, I have believed that it is not only the inevitable replacement of many traditional forms of media outlets, but it is also the future for independent creators to distribute their content.

And that is truly what this new column is about: the future of independent creators. Primarily indie filmmaking, since I have the most experience in that area, but really anything creative and uploaded to the web is open to discussion—web series, webcomics, and more. I’ll find it and tell you about it and I’ll also interview the creators so we get into the minds of those who are pioneering unexplored ideas on the Internet... more