Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Casting Call For ‘Bloomington’

This upcoming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Feb. 20-22 in Evansville, IN) there will be auditions for the HD feature length film called “Bloomington.” Four of the leads are being cast in LA, but the rest of the leads and supporting characters are going to be cast in Indiana.

Below is all the info you need to know if you are interested in auditioning.

Short Synopsis: “Bloomington” is a coming-of-age drama that examines the trials an ex-child star goes through as she attempts to figure out the second act in her life. JACKIE KIRK, a former child actress, moves away from California and attends college in search of independence and personal growth. She then becomes romantically involved with a professor. Their relationship thrives until an opportunity to return to acting forces her to make life-altering decisions.

Union: SAG Ultra Low Budget Agreement (SAG or non-SAG actors welcome)
Area of Media: HD feature length film for theatrical release
Production Company: Frontier Studios
Director: Fernanda Cardoso

Audition Locations:

Evansville - Evansville Civic Theatre Annex
Indianapolis - location to be announced soon

Shooting Locations: Indianapolis & Bloomington
Script Availability: Pick-up or E-mail (.pdf file)

Contact Information:

Civic Theatre Annex at Washington Square Mall
1138 Washington Sq
Evansville, IN 47715
Phone: 812.774.2611
E-mail: bloomingtonfilmcasting@gmail.com

Casting in Evansville:

Friday, February 20, 2009 (11am-4:30pm)
Saturday, February 21, 2009 (11am-7:30pm)
Sunday, February 22, 2009 (11am-4:30pm)

Casting in Indianapolis area: TBA

Submission Instructions: Open to all demographics, unless otherwise specified. Please submit by e-mail or phone (e-mail preferred). Resumes and headshots are appreciated. Walk-ins are welcome in Evansville on February 20 and 21, but appointments only on February 22. Thank you.

[RACHEL] [GENDER: Female] [AGE: 18-22]

Friendly and always upbeat, she is a college freshman, a classmate of Jackie’s, also part of the same study team. Sweet, sensitive, the peacemaker in the group, she wants to make sure that Jackie doesn’t feel uncomfortable…LEAD

[SANDY] [GENDER: Female] [AGE: 18-22]

Outgoing and bohemian looking, she is also a college freshman, a friend of Rachel, and part of the study team that includes Jackie. Contentious without meaning to, she feels that Jackie has an edge over the others since she really doesn’t have to go to college and get a job like she and her friends. Later, a catty Sandy makes fun of Jackie’s relationship with Catherine…LEAD

[ZACH] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 18-22]

Almost a “class clown,” he is a college freshman, part of Jackie, Rachel and Sandy’s study team. Phil obviously likes Jackie and asks if she would accompany him to a good old-fashioned college party, where there will be lots of drinking. The two later wind up at his dorm…LEAD

[PHIL] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 18-22]

A college freshman, a little too inquisitive and somewhat annoying and confrontational, he is part of Jackie, Rachel, Sandy and Zach’s study team.

[PROF. HECHT] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 55-65]

Male, in his late 50s, he is a dean with the College of Arts and Sciences at the university. Head of his department, he looks very tired; there is a certain weariness about his demeanor.


He is a psychology professor at the university whom the students do not afford much respect.


He is Catherine’s teaching assistant, a smiling, overly polite young man who feels uncomfortable and somewhat pitying when he learns that Catherine has no real plans for the Christmas break.

[BILL WHITTEN] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 30-40]

He is a slick film producer. He effusively welcomes Jackie to his apartment where he’s throwing a party.

[LAURA] [GENDER: Female] [AGE: 25-35]

She is the overly outgoing hostess at a film producer’s apartment. She tries, in vain, to make small talk with Catherine.

[TOMMY] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 20-25]

This good looking, and star-struck young actor auditions with Jackie.

[STEPFATHER] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 40-50]

He is Lillian’s husband, Jackie’s well-meaning stepfather.

[PETE] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 4-7]

This lively kid, seen at a family get-together, tries to engage Jackie in conversation.

[UNCLE KEITH] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 38-50]

Jackie’s uncle, he is a jovial, but none too bright fellow, who thinks Jackie’s hit TV series is still on the air.

[OLD AUNT] [GENDER: Female] [AGE: 45-55]

She is one of Jackie’s relatives, seen at a family dinner.


These two relatives of Jackie’s, seen at a family dinner, inquire about Jackie’s plans.


This older female relative remembers fondly when Jackie was just a youngster.

[R.A.] [GENDER: Female or Male] [AGE: 20-25]

This university Resident Assistant leads Jackie to her dorm room, surprised that Jackie got a single room. Slightly confrontational attitude.

[T.J.] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 18-22]

A college frat-guy, he is a friendly sort, a friend of Zach.

[MALE STUDENT] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 18-24]

He is an organized, eager-to-impress male student.

[MAN] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 28-35]

Dressed-up but a little drunk, he has accompanied Catherine home for the evening.


He is a sleepy library attendant who does a double take after recognizing Jackie as a TV star.

[REPORTER] [GENDER: Male] [AGE: 25-35]

He is a hip-looking male reporter who interviews Jackie about her return to Hollywood.


She is a good-looking Katie Couric type who interviews Jackie about her new movie.