Thursday, February 02, 2006

King Kong

Or…the king returns.

Here is my review: watch it. If you enjoyed any of the King Kong films of the past, then you must see this film. If you haven’t and never wanted to, then you still must give this film a chance. Unless you are scared of gorillas. Then you should avoid it at all costs.

It didn’t do as well as expected in the box office, but I think that had more to do with the timing than anything else. No one was sitting at home and going, “Man, I wish they would make a remake of King Kong.” I was in that boat. I was curious, but I almost decided to just wait for the DVD. Ah, but who knew that King Kong could be turned into such an excellent film, one that is actually better than the original?

King Kong has more action than most can handle. It builds up slowly in the first hour, but kicks up to overdrive for the rest of the film. The special effects are awesome (King Kong, dinosaurs, giant insects, etc). The story is touching. The acting is fantastic. I have liked Naomi Watts in her other films, but this one truly showed her fantastic acting skills. This film truly is an instant classic. I give this film an A+.

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